We guarantee each sample item to be a 100% authentic fragrance decanted from the original bottle, however, we cannot guarantee your satisfaction for the actual fragrance itself.
Therefore to ensure zero product tampering and to guarantee each product shipped is authentic, we do not accept returns or exchanges for Vials, Sprays, or other decanted items. Please make your selections carefully as all decanted item sales are final.
Defective items and/or damaged products can be returned for a replacement if we are notified within 48 hours of delivery. To report an issue with your order, please Contact Us as we require written confirmation of any damage. You will receive a response within 24 business hours.
You may return any unopened full-size Retail Bottles in new condition, including original packaging and packing slip, within 30 days of delivery to receive a full refund (less shipping and any gift wrapping charges).
In order to return merchandise, you must obtain an RMA number from our customer service department.
Please contact us and request an RMA number. An RMA number can only be obtained by contacting the billing department. You will receive a response within 24 hours.
Please Note:
- Refunds will be issued to the same credit card that was charged when ordering the product.
- To ensure a refund is processed for you, please send returns to the address provided along with your RMA number. The RMA number must be clearly written on the package that you are sending back.
- Depending on the bank that issues the credit card you used, your refund can take 3-7 business days to appear on your credit card statement. If you have any questions about whether a refund has been issued please contact us.